2011 Recap
This year started year late as we experienced one of the worst winters in quite a while. The first real adventure was the annual Cache And Release Winter event at the beginning of May. It was a cold day with quite a bit of snow on the ground. After the first two drive by caches, the third was along the Sturgeon River. We spent way too much time slogging through the hip deep snow, though getting the First To Find (FTF) was a nice reward. It was then we both decided it was time to invest in some snow shoes. So it was off to Canadian Tire and then back out into the frigid weather. Armed with the new equipment, we found our stride and grabbed seven more caches. It was great fun and made us fans of snow shoeing. Unfortunately, the time spent fighting with the deep snow and buying some snow shoes killed most of the day and with night falling along with the temperature, we decided to call it a day. 10 finds in total with 5 FTFs. It was fun. Next year we'll be better prepared for the snow....