.: GEO-ADVENTURE :. Caching the Valley of Fire

With the new year underway and our life starting to get settled since our move, Tatterhood and I decided to tag along with Joe Teton and Anyatoo on one of their regular tours to the Valley of Fire. The Valley of Fire is located to the northeast of Las Vegas, Nevada. The weather when we went was rainy and only a few weeks later there was a super bloom that took place in a lot of these places. Despite the weather, the temperature was nice... seriously how could I complain knowing that normally we're under 3 feet of snow back in Canada. This was the first time that Tatterhood and I had gone to the Valley of Fire so it was pretty amazing to see. As a bonus there turned out to be quite a number of virtual geocaches (that's where there isn't a physical cache, you just take a photo and answer a question or two about the area). All of them took us to some amazing views or some historically interesting locations. The petroglyphs were really interesting as wel...