Chasing Satellites
Of corse, we did go out caching as well. This is down by Santa Claira. We were out with Tatterhood's parents (Joe Teton and Anyatoo) and with Tatterhood's old boss (Zer0). Tatterhood decided to try out the range of her camera, to the left is was it looked like at full zoom.
Later that year, Tatterhood's sister came to live with us and we took her on a geocaching trip to Alberta Beach... the scenic route via Westlock.

As summer came to a quick close, we decided to camp in Elk Island National Park. Sure enough, we hiked one of the trails and found a cache... luckily we didn't run into this guy out in the bush.
In October, we went to Hawaii with our good friends. We stayed on the island of Oahu and found 3 caches. One at the Dole Plantation, another at the Polynesian Cultural Center and the last one on top of a mountain beside our condo (You can see the condo in the middle).
Our year ended with a trip back to Utah for Tatterhood's sister's wedding in November. While there, Joe Teton, Baconator(Tatterhood's Brother) and Torran made 100 finds in one day. We finished 2009 with 317 finds, bringing our total caches found to 747.
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