ONEBADGTZ's Toy Jeep Travel Bug

So we decided to start sharing some of our Travel Bug finds along with a little write-up about them. We will also link several pages to the articles so you can go check out the caches, maps and the travel bug itself. 

This particular one we found in UA The Cache Effect which is a cache we check in on frequently since we often come here on a weekly basis. The travel bug itself is called ONEBADGTZ's Toy Jeep Travel Bug and has already logged 8248 miles.

The current goal for this little guy is to travel to cache "c 18-00-34" (GC22KTQ ) , located in Wixom, MI. The owner of the travel bug is looking to have a picture of this item taken in front of a building which is closest to AEV 

This Travel Bug was released on the 28th of May, 2012 in Ontario, Canada. 




.: 3:10 to Yuma :.

Shinob Kibe Trail