Grapevine Renewal

While on our random trip south in Utah, Torran decided to check on one of his most popular geocaches. 'I Heard It Through The Grapevine'. This cache has been going strong since 2009 when it was hidden and has received regular maintenance almost every year since. However, last year we were unable to make the journey south, which meant this cache had gone a few years without some TLC. 

At first, we were unable to locate it, even with the GPS. After 10 minutes of searching we finally spotted it laying on the ground under a bush. The log was completely soaking wet and the camouflage had taken a beating from the desert environment. The hook which had once secured the cache to the Current bush was also missing.

Torran decided to take the cache back to Tatterhood's parent's house and give it a little love. He replaced the hook, replaced the log and cleaned off the debris that had been collected while the cache had sat on the ground, seemingly all winter. He then took it back out to the hiding spot, rechecked the coordinates and then fastened the cache back to it's orginal hold. 

'I Heard It Through The Grapevine' is now back in place and ready to refound. 




.: 3:10 to Yuma :.

Shinob Kibe Trail