Sorry for the late Adventure Monday post, but we were busy bringing this foxy little man into the world. Now our adventure team is up to three! Can't wait for that first geocache... leap day perhaps??
As we look to the new year in awe and wonderment, one can't help but reflect on the past year. Most of the time our thoughts linger on the past with things that we should have done, or could have done but never did. For myself, I prefer to look at the things we did accomplish and though it might not have been what we envisioned at the start of the previous year there are still many golden nuggets that we can glean. In January, Tatterhood and I celebrated our 13th anniversary with a trip to Las Vegas. We took TNT_Lando along and he had a blast seeing a big city. Naturally, we found a few geocaches along the way. In February, we took an epic trip to Yuma to attend our first Mega geocaching event. It was an amazing adventure. You can check it out here . Needless to say we had a pretty good time despite everyone being sick. March saw us exploring a few new places such as Park Discovery in St. George and the city of Beaver in our new secondary geo-beast, Topaz. Later...
It’s been a while since we’ve posted about the adventures we’ve been on. As with all things in life, things get busy and other things happen and before you know it a year has passed. Ideally, my plan is to revisit the many adventures we had last year and the cool caches we were able to discover along to way, but for now we will focus on the beginning of our 2019 adventures. For many years we have tried to attend events, but every single time something got in our way of attending. This year we made a goal not only to attend an event but to attend a Mega event. One that we have had our eye on for the past few years has been the annual Yuma Mega event. After some humming and hawing, we made the commitment to attend. Sure enough as soon as we said we would go, we all got sick. Through sheer willpower and a lot of medicine, we were able to depart on the Friday before the event. Our original plan had been to get everything organized and ready to go so that we could leave on the Thu...
On the morning of March 19, 2016 Torran set out with Joe Teton, Zer0 and Ranger Dale to explore the Shinob Kibe trail down by Washington, Utah. The trail was a good hike up the Shinob Kibe mesa which climbs about 650 feet. The pathway up was clear but had slick areas where loose stones could cause one to become off balance. Combining that with steep slopes made for a cautious climb up the side of the mesa. Even halfway up the views became spectacular. Along the way, Joe Teton pointed out the various geological features which gave us a new perspective and appreciation for this hike. In the days of old, natives would use this natural wonder as a place of refuge. Evidence of this was pointed out to us by Joe Teton who has spent many years studying various aspects of Southern Utah. Once we had reached the plateau, the hike became much easier and we were able to find the Shinob Kibe Cache quite easily. The views from the summit ...
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