The Parawan Gap

Back in May of this year, we decided to go for a family drive to the Parawon Gap. The Parawon Gap is a physical natural break in the mountains formed by an ancient stream. It allows easy access to the other side of the mountains and is ripe in history and native american petroglyphs. The area has been made into a nice stopping place with parking, picnic area and paved pathways from one side of the gap to the other. Petroglyphs are highlighted all along the walkway which made it easy for us to take our son TNT Lando along with us. After exploring the location and on our way back to the car. we decided to power up the cell phone and check to see if there was a geocache around. Sure enough not far off the beaten path there was a cache. Torran had wanted to put the stroller to the test, so he guided it towards ground zero and found the cache easily. This was a very nice, easy paced adventure for us, especially with a newborn. If ...