Shinob Kibe Trail

On the morning of March 19, 2016 Torran set out with Joe Teton, Zer0 and Ranger Dale to explore the Shinob Kibe trail down by Washington, Utah. 

The trail was a good hike up the Shinob Kibe mesa which climbs about 650 feet. The pathway up was clear but had slick areas where loose stones could cause one to become off balance. Combining that with steep slopes made for a cautious climb up the side of the mesa. Even halfway up the views became spectacular.

Along the way, Joe Teton pointed out the various geological features which gave us a new perspective and appreciation for this hike.

In the days of old, natives would use this natural wonder as a place of refuge. Evidence of this was pointed out to us by Joe Teton who has spent many years studying various aspects of Southern Utah. 

Once we had reached the plateau, the hike became much easier and we were able to find the Shinob Kibe Cache quite easily. The views from the summit were amazing. We took our time exploring the mesa even finding an ancient native medicine wheel.  

We found another cache while atop the plateau and gathered waypoint finds for a multicache which also sits on Shinob Kibe. 

All in all, we had a fantastic morning enjoying the sun, the views and the fellowshipping. The way down did prove semi-treacherous as the loose gravel continued to unbalance our boot steps. Luckily we all made it down safely with a few finds and a handful of memories which is really what geocaching is all about.

If you get a chance, check out this fantastic hike. It is well worth the effort. Thanks for visiting our blog. Let us know about your adventures and share some of your favorite hikes so we can go and explore them.

Until next adventure, from Torran, Tatterhood and TNT_Lando... Happy Caching!




.: 3:10 to Yuma :.